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​​​​​​​​​​​​​JANUARY 10TH, 2025 NOTICE 

Effective January 14th, 2025 Practical Examinations ​ will be conducted at a new location: 

DoubleTree Suites By Hilton​

2601 Richmond Rd

Lexington, Kentucky 40509

All practical examinations held at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton will be conducted on every Monday of the month unless it is listed on the US calendar as a National Government Holiday. 


Blow-Dry and Thermal Curl requires testing candidates to plug in and turn on their hair dryer and curling iron​. Extension​ cords will be provided by PSI.  

​​In the event of severe weather or another emergency that could cause a testing center to close. PSI will contact all examination applicants to reschedule their exam. Please monitor your emails. PSI Customer Support will attempt to contact candidates as soon as a closure is imminent. If a situation is happening in the area, test takers may check the status of a testing center by calling (855) 579-4635. PSI will make every effort to reschedule the test at a convenient time, and as soon as possible. Test takers may also visit PSI's website at for updates and posted notices. ​

​​​​Examination Instructions, Rules and Policies - Simulated disinfectant is prohibited  ​

  • Kentucky​ schools have 10 business days to graduate you from their program.
  • Allow a minimum of 20 days for this information to be submitted to the board from the date you graduated.   
  • PSI can take an additional two weeks to upload your eligibility information. 
  • Always check your spam folder in your email prior to contacting the Kentucky State Board.
  • Do not attempt to register for an examination without a proper approved registration email provided from PSI. 
  • ​If you have not received a PSI registration email but are eligible for examinations and have allowed your school and the board enough time to process your eligibility please contact us at​​ with the following: Legal name, DOB, last 4 of SSN, permit number, contact phone number, home or PO Box mailing address ​& current email address to verify your account. 

Kentucky license expired over 5 years requires an examination 

  • Email with your legal name, DOB, last 4 of SSN, contact phone number, home or PO Box mailing address & current email address. 

  • If your name has changed, you are required to email your new government photo ID along with your marriage certificate/divorce decree prior to registration or you will not be permitted into the examination. 

​​If you have received your registration email from PSI​ please follow these instructions: 

  • Please go to
  • Click on “FIND YOUR TEST”
  • Click on  “Barber & Cosmetology”
  • Locate your State and Industry – click that​
  • At the top right, click “Sign In / Create Account”
  • After logging in, click on “MANAGE” at the top and you can continue from there.​​

Dates and locations will be available​ on the PSI portal upon completion of registration with vendor

​Theory Examinations:

Applicants must pass the theory examination before application and fee for the practical examination may be submitted for scheduling.

Theory Examinations are held in multiple ​locations​ with dates and times that are specific to each location.  The testing centers determine the schedule for their facility.  Board staff cannot provide an applicant with a theory testing center's schedule. 

​To purchase the theory practice examinations from the test vendor visit: ​​

​​Practical Examinations​​


  • ​You must provide TWO (2) forms of original, valid, and current- expired items will not be accepted. One item MUST be state government photo ID additional items may include a ​passport or national identity card, Social Security Card, bank card, etc. 
  • Applicant shall wear a full set of solid color medical scrubs. White colored scrubs or other clothing is prohibited.
  • EPA registered bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal disinfectant ​and hand sanitizer are required to sit for the practical exam. All three properties shall be display on the manufacturers label. No sprays or aerosols.
  • Mannequin Head is required – no name shall be visible of the student or school.
  • Mannequin Hand is required – stuffed gloves, individual fingers, detachable fingers are prohibited.​
  • Monomer (if required for exam) a complete manufacturer label listing all ingredients including the type of methacrylate, manufacturer labeled odorless​, and complete and intact manufacturers safety seals are required.  
  • If the requirements are not met the ​candidate will be dismissed and required to reschedule for a future test. ​
  • NO electronic items are permitted such as cell phones, smartwatches/Fitbit, digital sound recorders, mp3 players, cameras etc. in the examination room during the exam. 
  • DO NOT DISTRUB – candidates who become disruptive at any time will be required to leave the center and reschedule their examination. ​


If these requirements cannot be met, you will not be permitted into the examination room and you will be required to reschedule for your exam.

​​Examination Instructions - All courses of study are available through PSI, please follow the test taker guide link below. 

 Test Taker Guide

​Upon accessing the test taker guide and choosing your course of study, the CIB will be located on the upper right-hand corner​ of the screen.

All information for the test taker along with the application and directions are on the landing page of PSI website. Applicants must start with an application through PSIs portal. The information below is for a visual guide only. 

PSI and KBC Landing Page for Accommodations, Instructions and application

PSI Test Taker Catalogue for multiple languages