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The Kentucky Board of Cosmetology’s mission is to serve the Commonwealth by providing educational, health, and regulatory standards for all aspects of the beauty industry.

SB 22 AN ACT Related to licensed professionals

On March 14, 2025, SB22 was delivered to the Governor for signature.  It is not law, as of March 17, 2025.  A current version of SB22 that is Enrolled is on the Legislative Research Commission website here:

SB22 involves changes to KRS 317A, or the statutes that establish and guide the Kentucky Board of Cosmetology; and KRS 317, which establish and guide the Kentucky Board of Barbering.  SB22 includes changes to KRS 317, the barbering statutes, that include mobile barber shops.  This mobile shop inclusion is limited to KRS 317 and does not apply to Kentucky Board of Cosmetology.  

License Verification

Verify the status of a license by clicking the link below.  

License Verification 


​Thank you to those who have already renewed their license.

While we enjoy all of your creative and beautiful photos please note the following:

  1. Car, salon, or home selfies with any backgrounds that are not a plain light color are not in compliance will not be accepted.
  2. Photos of your Driver's License, Past KBC License, Passport, or Concealed Carry license will not be accepted.
  3. Wedding and Family photos – with or without others will not be accepted.
  4. Photos edited into shapes or photos of your license verification page will not be accepted.
  5. Photos with a dark color background or that do not contain your entire face will not be accepted.
  6. Photos not taken within 6 months of submission.

​Per the law, as stated in regulation 201 KAR 12:030, all applications (including a renewal application) must be submitted with a passport style photograph. Details on what that means are shown below. If you know you have submitted an improper photo please update your account ASAP as licenses that have been completed correctly will begin printing this week. If your account is not in compliance you will be emailed a deficiency notification and your license will not be batched for printing until the issue is corrected.

You may download an app or create a passport photo style picture using your camera on your cell phone. ​​HEIC or live photos cannot be used. Refer to the acceptable examples below. 

Passport photo example.png
​You must correct deficient items through the online portal, we are unable to accept credentials​ via​​ email. ​

Amend Pending Application.jpg

Upon completing your license renewal, verify the expiration date 7/31/2025 is listed on your license(s). Your renewal receipt will be sufficient as proof of licensing until processing review is completed and approved.  LOGIN​​​




Name change requirements

​Name changes require a copy of your new state government​ photo ID, copy of Marriage Certificate/Divorce Decree submitted to your account through the online portal.

Open Records Request 

​​In order to file an open records request an application will need to be filed with the Board. ​​

KBC Open Records Request.pdf